Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ani's snow adventure

beautiful, isn't it, who doesn't love snow?  Well, let me confess that after 6 days, trapped at our house, with a one-year old, I'm not such a big fan anymore.  You see, those lovely trees, provide tons of shade, which means, snow doesn't melt, ever.

And on the second day, there was playing in the snow.  Can you tell who is more excited?  As an aside, when we were offered a pink snow suit from our cousin, in the middle of August, I was not thrilled, "when does it snow enough in Georgia to even necessitate such an outfit?"  I'm now a believer, because what a wonderful idea - although, as you will notice, we lacked shoes...

"Yay snow, what a new and exciting experience," Ani exclaims in a wry voice.

"hmm, guys..."

"no really, come help, I'm sort of stuck"

"do you see the 'pouty face,' I'm really stuck, and cold"

"sadness, is reigning over here"

"no, wait, pick me up, save me from this frozen wasteland"

"I'll just become one with the snow"

"Is that daddy dancing over there, or am I hallucinating?"

"nope, that really was dad"

alright guys, this is your first lesson in Ani artwork:
look what I made fill in your name!  Isn't it beautiful!!!

and for those of you who still need more practice, that's Ani's first snow angel

where's waldo, and what is he doing?

yes, that's right, sledding down the little hill in our yard

it's like the winter olympics, well sort of

"Ummmm??  Guys there's a crazy person in the yard!"

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