Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ani Gets High

Well, Once again we have found a new game for Ani to play. While y'all may think this game is easy, just remember it is very important to follow ALL the instructions.

Step 1. Gain the Baby's Trust - While this step may seem like a bit of over-kill it will be beneficial in the long run.

Step 2. Positioning- Hold the child under both arms and squat for extra umph.

Step 3. Lift Off- Look above you and make sure there is no ceiling or power lines. Lift the child at a rapid pace as if you wanted to throw a bowling ball straight up in the air. (At this point aim is everything, straight up is much better then outward.)

Step 4.  The Release- Yes, you are going to let go that's why its called releasing.

Step 5. The  Follow Through - Much like Tennis and Golf you must follow through in order to keep your aim and momentum.

Step 6. Keeping Your Eye On Target-  Though the child is not in your hands you must still pay attention to the game. This is not the time to text or check a text, much like driving if you were to take your eyes off the target, lives may be in danger.

Step 7. Catch The Baby- Contrary to popular belief this is the most important step in the game .

Step 8. The Recoil- Slow the baby down after catching so the child doesn't feel a sudden jerk.  This motion also puts you in the perfect position to start over from Step 2. (Since Step 1 is now totally out of the question)

Just Joking... We could never do that to her.    This is Chiemi's childhood doll Brian, Scary similarity isn't it!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ani and the animals...

just a quick note that Ani has no fear when it comes to animals, especially bugs, much unlike her father...

the poor cat tolerates all Ani has to share:  large quantities of slober, tiny grips of death, supersonic squeals, and an innate ability to remove an inordinate amount of hair in a rapid amount of time

her first encounter with a praying mantis - we should all note that chiemi is the one holding the child, as Ian wanted as far away from the bug as possible - he was quite terrified that it might jump on him

and finally - what turned out to be a delicious father's day cake - for breakfast nonetheless...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Finally We Are Done

Look!!!! The Finish Line.

Sunday we woke up early and headed out to Great Grandma Eberhart's home to visit. Since she just sold her home we wanted to make sure she saw Ani at least once before moving to Texas.

Though it was a bit hot outside, Ani and Great Grandma acted like modeling pros while the cameras flashed.

Ani thanks Great Grandma for all the tools, shelving and other items that she gave us to help with our never ending project of fixing up Ani's Home.

Nearing The End

Saturday we decided that we should build the garden that we have been talking about for the past month, while normally this would be a fun project we were already exhausted from lack of sleep caused by the rest of the week (work schedule, house projects and every day Ani life).

As soon as the Garden was finished Granddaddy Stedman showed up to help do some more needed repairs to the Ani house hold but before he could get started there needed to be some Ani time.

The real question is..... Would you take your hat back or let her keep it?

The Middle

In the middle of the week Gammy stopped by to visit and stayed with us for a bit. Though Ani was a little unsure in the beginning of the visit, it faded and by the next morning Gammy was able to hold her a little.

Can you believe it??? Ani is being held by a non parental and she is still happy.  

(if you only new how many photos we took to get this shot, thank god for digital cameras)

Also Gammy brought down a cute outfit and a new bear that Ani is just tickled about. Even though the bear smells like strawberries I think she likes the way the bear looks more.
  (Who knew a child would love to be attacked by little pink bears)

We are hoping that Gammy will stop by and stay the night again on her return trip to Alabama so she may visit with Ani a bit longer.

Just the Beginning

This week has been extremely busy, not in a bad way just a busy way.

At the beginning of the week everything started off innocent enough, Granddaddy and Me-maw Stedman took Ani's dad out to dinner for his birthday (though he secretly thinks that they are using him to get to his daughter.) While at the restaurant Ani became a bit unhappy for a bit but Granddaddy new just how to fix that and took Ani for a flight around the restaurant.

Also this week Ani is overseeing the new construction on her home. She has chosen a new color for the house and trim, not to mention the multitude of other projects that have our home in shambles.

Ani just loves coming up with new projects