So Grandpa Ura came to visit this weekend from Indiana. She also enjoyed her first stroller ride around the mall. She is already a fabulous window shopper - God help us when she becomes a vocal side-kick to shopping outings, anything bright, sparkly, with moving parts, you name it she's excited.
On a developmental note, Ani is now regularly holding objects and moving them towards her mouth. Sadness does reign however when the said object moves unintentionally rapidly towards her face and whacks her - thank goodness she has a hard head.
Ani also attended her first (of what will undoubtedly be many) iron pour Friday. Don't be alarmed as she donned all the appropriate safety gear (picture coming soon)
And finally - Grandpa Stedman came over to the condo to help Ani with her first construction project: installation of new sliding mirrored closet doors. Ani, by the way, is a whiz with the cordless drill - she definitely takes after her mother in this regard.
Chiemi, Ian and Ani