Monday, April 30, 2012

random images

So I decided to add some pictures, albeit a little tardy for some...

you guys know how much we appreciate wine, and especially those with bubbles...  we are letting Ani expand her palate early, plus it was new year's

alright, not really, she's drinking sparkling apple juice with grenadine - but the color is strikingly simlar

this picture was from the nesting phase of pregnancy, these are all old clothes of Ani's - needless to say we are certainly not in want of clothes for Graham (plus there is another plastic container that you can't even see off to the side)

Ani has started doing "yoga" with mommy, she also exercises with us, she makes the whole process extra challenging (as an aside - her feet look huge, don't they?)

cute face huh?  that's what happens when you ask Ani to smile

Dad traded for a camera - Ani loves taking pictures, (a whole blog of her photo-expression soon to come)

2.17.2012:  self explanatory self-portrait

we had more pictures of Ani in the "boat," but the camera got corrupted - so this is all that's left (we had to test the birth pool before hand and it was the best toy, she drug all of her toys in it)

4.2.2012:  Graham, minutes old, still attached (notice the pool?)

what's Ani so interested in? 

her new baby sister and her newborn exam

how cute? Ani is incessantly asking to lay beside Graham, she snuggles in with her

sleeping on dad's chest - sort of like kangaroo care

I know you're thinking, great guys a bag.. but who fits inside that bag?

our contortionist daughter, of course

she is totally her own person, with dark hair and striking blue eyes

it was a little cold the end of the month - so we squished Graham in the premie bunny outfit; much to Ani's delight, she squealed repeatedly:  Graham's an Easter Bunny!!!

this would be Ani as an angry bunny - striking similarities, except of course Ani was 5 weeks old and Graham was closer to 3 weeks)

she's patting Graham's cheek and shushing her, too sweet

Friday, April 27, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Graham visits Grandma Gerry

Graham woke up this morning and couldn't wait to go 
and see Grandma Gerry.

Of course Ani came along as well.

Can you believe that our child is no crying? 
(Like Ani did)
We can't!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Graham's first Easter

Ani shows Graham her Easter tradition of
sitting in the basket.

 The local church had a petting zoo and Easter egg hunt for
the little ones.

Ani is a good hunter!

Everyone came to Omi's for Easter Dinner.

and brought baskets with them.

and glow sticks

and Graham.

YEAA!! Easter Eggs!

Aunt Ellie teaches Ani how to play soccer.

At the end of the day Ani hung up YaYa's Easter Gift
in the back yard. Ani can now watch the birds from 
the window.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Welcome to Day 1.

Wait..... Day 1???  

"What about all my favorite old blogs like "Ani at the cabin" or "Ani vs the Puddle"?"

Calm Down, Calm Down

I have moved over the entire blog so that nothing will be lost.  Its all the same though i think i might be making some new changes coming soon.  More pictures will be coming soon of Ani and Graham but for right now everyone is resting up and relaxing from the delivery.

here we go again.........

Monday, April 2, 2012

Graham meets Ani

Well the day has finally come.
Everyone meet Graham Mei Stedman.

Ani holds her sister for the first time.

"Where did this come from?"

Here we go again.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Surprise for YaYa

YaYa has made the comment that she will never east sushi unless 
Ani asks her too.

We will be seeing you soon YaYa!