As Memaw would put it. "Today is Ani's Birthday Month"
So needless to say there were multiple parties.
For future reference this card sings aloud and scared Ani.
it now sits alone on the table and Ani points at it often and says
You can never have to many cakes
(MMmmmm Dounuutssss!!)
We think the phone tree was broken when it
came to cakes.
but Ani didn't mind
Yaya totally surprised Dad by showing up for Ani's
Birthday party.
(Ani new she was coming)
Can you beleve this isn't even everyone
Gifts, Gifts and more Gifts.
Gammy seems to have been the winner this year.
Seems like the CD player was Ani's favorite.
Yes!!! More Cake!!
Happy Birthday Squirrel,
Mom and Dad Love you!