Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pajama Day

Today was Pajama Day at school 
so Ani decided to show her classmates a
taste of her evening-wear.

"Lets go Dad!!!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Birthday

Yep, another cake.

Mema teaches Ani how to blow out 
birthday candles.

'Hold on let me try again"

Nathan waits for cake.

still working on the candles?

Yep we are!!

Ani helps Memaw open her presents.

 After Cake Activities.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ani's Birthday

As Memaw would put it. "Today is Ani's Birthday Month"

So needless to say there were multiple parties.

For future reference this card sings aloud and scared Ani.
it now sits alone on the table and Ani points at it often and says

You can never have to many cakes
(MMmmmm  Dounuutssss!!)

We think the phone tree was broken when it
came to cakes.

but Ani didn't mind


Yaya totally surprised Dad by showing up for Ani's 
Birthday party. 
(Ani new she was coming)

Can you beleve this isn't even everyone

Gifts, Gifts and more Gifts.

Gammy seems to have been the winner this year.

Seems like the CD player was Ani's favorite.

Yes!!!  More Cake!!

Happy Birthday Squirrel,
Mom and Dad Love you!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

PMO First day of School

Today was Ani's first day of School
(well Parent's morning out) she went from 9:30am to 1:30pm 
and had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Scones for breakfest

MMMmmm  Scones

 Ani helped Mom make scones one morning and insisted we
wear aprons.

We are working on chewing with our mouth closed.

We're working on a lot of things here.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Becoming a Parent.

Yesterday while in the shower Ani and Mom came running in.
"Were crashing your potty!" Mom said while Ani struggled to get her pants off
 (it's hard to do when you really got to go.)
And it made me think, How did we get from a couple that would 
go out and crash a few parties to a couple that's known for crashing potties.
(for those we visit often you know what i'm talking about)

and yes she made it in time.