Monday, November 28, 2011

Stedman Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving wasn't as scary this year.

 We figured out that if we get there first, people aren't
as scary one at a time.

Most people.


Granddaddy showed Ani the joy of pine straw

And how to hide bodies!

Omi also came this year, Granddaddy couldn't belive it 
(had to get his own photo)

More to come.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving at Omi's

Ani celebrated Thanksgiving with Omi the day before turkey day since
Mom had to work on Thursday.

 Ani and Omi perfect the pecan tart  recipe

You wouldn't believe the amount of food there was

The next morning Ani got to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
(yes i know TV is bad, but it only happens once a year)

More Thanksgivings coming soon!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tub time

Like to thanks to Gammy and Omi for the tub crayons.

who knew they worked on Ani's too.

Ani let me know that they were her crayons.

More coming soon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kitty Book

Just when you thought reading couldn't be any more fun!

and you thought your pets were patient.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

House Vs. Car

Some of y'all might have heard that a car hit our house.

Well its true.


What was left of Mom's berry garden.

No we weren't home.
but he left a note that said,
"Sorry I hit your house with my car"

 remember to always buckle up!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just Because

if you only new how hard it was to get a picture of mom not making
faces at the camera you would appreciate this photo
as much as i do.

She's gonna be a rapper one day.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Haloween!

This year Ani dressed up as a Gothic Ferry Witch type thing
(in converse)

And there is no better place to start of this wonderful
Holiday then Costco

and Nortside Tool Rental

then finally the condo
"Yeaa! what fun"

That evening we headed to Memaw and Granddaddy's
to Trick or Treat.

Dad got to clean their pumpkin

lots of fun

While Granddaddy took pictures of Ani

The first house was a total success.

But then other people came out too.

"It's Only Uncle Jake"

Happy Halloween!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Everyone gathered at Omi's house to carve their pumpkins.
just glad it was warm that day

Ani's a big help

Unless she runs off with your pumpkin top

Everyone knows that they go on the fire hydren.

"What to carve?"

 Omi shows Ani where all the Pumpkin guts go.

Thanks Omi

Much better use of the pumpkin tool

how come everyone looks so serious