Sunday, May 30, 2010

ani's favorite toy and more

so Grandma Ura felt like Ani needed a toy that made noise, much to chiemi's chagrin, might I add...  Nonetheless, here is it aforementioned toy, a plastic snail with a mirror that lights up and plays music whenever it is bumped.

Aunt Eli came home for a brief visit yesterday - yes her travelling self has already left again.  We weren't too sure how Ani would react but she seemed happy enough, you be the judge.

and for those of you who have an opinion on the addition of real food, here are some pictures of her getting used to a spoon, yes, it makes her happy; regardless she had her first taste of "real food" yesterday - avocado & breast milk soup - YUM, so far so good, no apparent allergy, so many things to worry about...
love you guys, and we will try and keep you abreast of the food additions as they come, who knows what we'll try next, but we're sure some know-it-alls will be more than willing to share their advice, rice cereal anyone?
- chiemi, ian and ani

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This week Ani and I got the chance to hang out at Emory University while Chiemi was giving lectures to upcoming Physician's Assistant's.   Ani greatly enjoyed watching the buses and students as well as the multitude of grassy areas.  (Ani loves the grass)

Also we finally received some of the pictures that were taken from Ani's Photo shoot when she was 2 weeks old. 

Chiemi's sister gets in from India tonight so there will be another post with more pictures soon

Ian, Chiemi and Ani

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vital Statistics

Let's first apologize for the delay in posting - yes, we have been harrassed by some Ani stalkers about the lack of new information...

So Ani went to the doctor on 5.17.10 - a slightly delayed 4 month check up.  The poor girl received more vaccines - but she didn't cry - just a slight shocked exclamation.  She is now 24 inches long and weighs 11 lbs.  Still long and skinny - much like her father was growing up.

No new skills - still reaching for things, rolling from her stomach to back, though she has been eyeing our dinners more often. 
Her magical pacifiers is losing its appeal for fingers (both hers and ours), so maybe it won't be as traumatic when that green piece of silicone dissappears.
-chiemi, ian and ani

Sunday, May 9, 2010

tucker day, mom's day, and more

Our sleeping child, who knew she could look so angelic?

She has had a more than exciting week - first the whole foot model thing, then a new jumping toy, new jogging stroller, mom's day, Tucker day, the baby-super ability to fit her entire fist into her mouth, swimming in the tub

To all of y'all who think patting your head and rubbing your tummy is hard just try: Sticking your whole fist in your mouth while talking and pulling on your ear. My kid's got skills!

Dad's been teaching her how to swim already - we figure being born into the water has given her a headstart. She float if nothing else... Maybe next week we'll work on holding her breath and swimming underwater. It really helps things when your kid is small enough to swim in the bathtub at Grandma's house.

Tucker Day is an annual event where vendors and craftsmen come out to celebrate on Main Street. There's also kids activities, like firetrucks and police cars, clowns and painting. Needles to say Ani didn't participate in much, but was an active observer. Here she in her stroller at Tucker Day - her first street fair.

She has to thank Aunt Susie and Mary Alex for this "Jenny Jump Up," yes, we know she is a little too small and too young, but she loves it, none this less.

Chiemi, Ian and Ani

Thursday, May 6, 2010

our daughter the foot model

So Ani, despite being not even 4 months old, not running, jumping, walking, crawling, or even sitting up has already amassed many pairs of shoes...

Her first pair was a gift from Palden, Elizabeth's significant other. They are a little big, but the strings can be tightened, which is good. This pair is also quite warm - a necessary quality in Northern India.

This mouse pair (closely related to rats, might we add), was a gift from Aunt Linda, also a bit too big, but very soft and moldable to her round feet.

These pink shoes were a gift from Dr. Verbitsky, a physician Grandma Ura works with. Apparently infant shoes are a cross cultural phenomenom as she is Russian. These tighten with velcro, which is helpful since Ani's feet are yet again, too small.

Chiemi's favorite pair - black Mary Jane S. Weitzman's, are also, tragically, too big. These were a gift from Grandma Ura - a small homage paid to her daughter.

So thank you guys for all you do, all your support, and all the many pairs of shoes to feed our child's growing shoe complex.

-chiemi, ian & ani