So Hallows Eve has come and gone and by the time I get this post edited and posted it will most likely be Christmas.
Ani, Chiemi and I have been going to therapy 8 days a week now since the pumpkin incidint and we are progressing nicely. Ani can now not only be near a pumpkin but can also touch the insides as well, Chiemi won't even do that.
Though she seemed to enjoy watching me scrape out our soon to be Jack-o-lanterns' insides, her curiosity quickly moved on to somthing much more interesting.
It took some seearching but soon she came across the most wonderful object in the world.
A Leaf !
Just to let everyone know, this leaf kept her occupied for 30 minutes.
And after all that hard work the Pumpkins were done.
I'm thinking they will look better once it gets dark.
(Ok, I'm hoping they will)
(Ani's is in the Middle)
Every year we head out to Granddaddy and Me-maw's for Halloween due to the lack of kids in our neighborhood and this year was no diffrent except that we went trick or treating before it got dark.
Yes!, that is Frankenstein in a smoking jacket. The Horror!!!
Granddaddy showed Ani the wonderful joys of Bubbles.
who knew bubbles could make you laugh
Time to get ready to Trick or Treat.
If your not sure what her costume is.... Thats OK. we're not sure either.
Who new Raggedy Ann was scary.
Finaly after all terror we made it to the door and for all that work Ani got
a bag of M&M's. Personally, I dont think it was worth it especially since she can't even eat them.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween.
(and yes, Ani's pumpkin is on the right)